Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Live, Love, Laugh Everyday in Kindergarten has a Great Giveway!

Hey guys!

I am so tired tonight so I'm not making this long... but I just wanted to quickly tell everyone about a great giveway from Tammy over at Live, Love, Laugh Everyday in Kindergarten!  She is giving away a $25 gift certificate to TPT!!!  Click on the picture below to hop on over and enter the giveaway too!

Live Love Laugh

Monday, November 5, 2012

Patterns? Should We Teach Them? (Freebie alert!)

I certainly think so!

I doubt this is the first time you have heard that question since the release of the Common Core standards, but I think it's great that teachers continue to reflect on  and discuss the changes and how they impact student learning.

Over on her blog, Ms. Kerri of Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Klass, brought up this question back in September.  I completely agree with everything she said and thought there were some great comments from other readers as well!

In addition to everything that was pointed out, I think its important to keep in mind that the Common Core standards are designed to be the "final destination" or end goal for our students but that it has been left up to us to determine the path students take to get there!  For example, the Kindergarten standards don't state that "students will activate their prior knowledge, or schema, before reading" but we know that in order for students to comprehend text (and therefore master the standards that are listed in the Common Core) teaching them how to do this is critical.  I view the concept of patterns in math to be a lot like schema in reading... in order for students to truly understand other math concepts such as counting by 10's (K.CC.1) they need that foundation with basic patterns!  So although the standards don't specifically state that students will identify and extend patterns, we have to be mindful of the fact that it is part of the necessary foundation that must be laid in order for students to master some of the other standards.

All that being said, my wonderful team has starting teaching patterns and I am working on a packet of Fall themed pattern activities to post in my TPT store!  Since its not completely done... I'm linking up with Classroom Freebies for Manic Monday with a FREEBIE!!!  Click on the picture below...

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

If you would like to visit my TPT store you can also find it there by clicking on the picture below...

Thanks for stopping by! 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Heidi Songs!

I may or may not be way behind the learning curve on this one, but I'm just glad I have finally discovered how wonderful Heidi Songs are! I showed my kiddos the "go" song on youtube on Friday and it was a HUGE hit!  I think we probably hit repeat about 10 times...

Anyway, two days later I'm lost in blog world and I stumble upon Jenn's amazing blog, Seriously Primary, where she is hosting a GIVEAWAY for a $20 gift certificate to anything on Heidi's website!!!!  (Talk about good timing... I was literally about the buy the first DVD:)  So I'm linking up to her blog post here, so you can go enter as well!    You can also click on her blog button below to visit!