Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I Did It! Now I'll Introduce Myself...

Soooo glad I got that over with!  Now I can actually tell yall a little bit about myself...

My name is Sarah Swilley, I am a Kindergarten teacher in North Carolina, and am a future wife (to that handsome man in the picture!), a teacher, a Christian, and a great friend!  My loves include Brian (the wedding is exactly one year away!), shopping, hanging out with friends, reading, salty/fried foods, and all things southern (I apologize in advance if the word "yall" bothers you!)  I also love, love, love what I do.  I am frequently accused of working too much, but the reality is... it is way harder for me to turn my "teacher brain" OFF than it is to keep it ON :)  I, like so many others, spend most of my spare time browsing and reading teacher blogs and pinning things on pinterest!  Just the other day my sweet (and super supportive!) future hubby said, "Do you really have to be on that thing [the computer] alllll the time?"  (Smile.)

One of my favorite things about teaching is talking with other teachers and colleagues about teaching strategies and sharing new ideas!  I actually aspire to work in Curriculum & Instruction one day and am one of those 'nerdy' teachers that is always carrying around several different professional development books and analyzing standards and curriculum just because I like to :)  For that reason, I also greatly enjoy reading all of the amazing teacher bloggers that are out there!  I have been following some of my favorites for almost two years now and am definitely a better teacher because of those awesome ladies!!!

Like I said in my first post, it has taken me quite a while to even post on this blog, due to a whole plethora of fears and anxieties about starting a "teacher blog"!  But I am realizing that I may never get started if I don't just push some of those aside...  I hope that if you have made it this far, you will like what you see and will become a follower!

1 comment:

  1. YEAH.....I'm so proud of you...you are doing it! Now....don't stop!!! :-) I <3 U Ms. Swilley!!!
